Pattaya is Bustling for the Long Holiday Weekend

PHOTO: Siamrath


A lot of Thai and foreign tourists are visiting Pattaya during the current long holidays say tourism officials as well as Pattaya News reporters on the ground.

The long holidays are from October 13th to October 15th. Pattaya is full of Thai and foreign tourists on beaches and piers and local roads are full of vehicles.

As a public holiday, government offices, banks, and immigration offices will be closed. There is, however, despite some confusion on social media, no alcohol sale bans.

Many Thai and foreign tourists are also gathering at the Bali Hai Pier heading to Koh Larn. Boat operators are also ensuring passengers wear life jackets. The Pattaya City Police are taking care of tourist’s safety.

Pattaya police have also stepped up patrols on local beaches at night, targeting minors, illegal drugs, and weapons.

The weekend is also seeing the start of the famous and popular Pattaya Vegetarian Festival, a major event for the local area.

So far, there have been no major problems but a few minor ones such as this viral situation involving a Japanese tourist.

Goongnang Suksawat
Goong Nang is a News Translator who has worked professionally for multiple news organizations in Thailand for many years and has worked with The Pattaya News for five years. Specializes primarily in local news for Phuket, Pattaya, and also some national news, with emphasis on translation between Thai to English and working as an intermediary between reporters and English-speaking writers. Originally from Nakhon Si Thammarat, but lives in Phuket and Krabi except when commuting between the three.