Here are our current best contacts as of Quarter One 2025:
Our primary contacts are as follows. We respond quickest on Facebook but you are welcome to use any of the following contacts. Our Primary Editor’s information is at the bottom of this page:
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Or, contact us using this form right now!
Thai Chief Editor: Bank Konba:
Business Phone Number: 0806043295
Business Hours Monday through Saturday 10 AM-6 PM
English Co-Owner: Adam Judd
Can be reached by e-mail at Editor@ThePattayanews.com or at the office phone number listed above. E-mail is preferred for first contact and then an appointment can be made for business matters.
Full Author Bio for Adam Judd and personal contacts are found here: https://thepattayanews.com/author/users1278/
The office address is by appointment only, so e-mail us.