Pattaya’s Biggest Stories From The Last Week: Indian Casino Busted, Italian Man Has a Meltdown, and More

Greetings to all our readers and supporters!

We have gathered together here our top LOCAL stories that happened in our areas, Pattaya and Chonburi, in the last week from Monday, May 1st, to Sunday, May 7th, 2023.

The stories are chosen by our editorial team and are not in a particular order of importance but roughly in order of publishing.

1. Over 80 Indian Gamblers Busted at Pattaya Casino

This incident actually drew international press, especially in India. A Thai/Indian couple took sole accountability for the setup but some media believe other people were responsible behind the scenes.

Over 80 Indian Gamblers Busted at Pattaya Casino

2. Pattaya Motorcyclist Fatally Crashes with Chinese Tour Bus

This incident drew attention to continuous roadwork and the dangers of getting around it in Pattaya, especially on Threpprasit Road.

Pattaya Motorcyclist Fatally Crashes with Chinese Tour Bus

3. Gun-Wielding Burglars Rob Chinese Tourists in Pattaya, One Suspect Arrested

Several suspects are still at large as of press time.

Gun-Wielding Burglars Rob Chinese Tourists in Pattaya, One Suspect Arrested

4. Italian Man Has a Meltdown on His Balcony in Pattaya, Blames Marijuana

The man was in fact high on crystal meth, according to Pattaya police.

Italian Man Has a Meltdown on His Balcony in Pattaya, Blames Marijuana

5. Homeless man found dead on Pattaya Walking Street


Homeless man found dead on Pattaya Walking Street

That’s it for this week. We hope the next week will bring you good news!

Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator and writer at The Pattaya News. Tanakorn "Aim" Panyadee is a twenty-five year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.