Tourists in Chiang Mai Rescued from Raging River by Elephant Mahout Team

Chiang Mai —

A group of tourists were stranded in the middle of a raging river after their raft capsized in Chiang Mai province on June 28th, 2024. Fortunately, they were rescued just in time by a team of elephant riders.

The dramatic moment was shared on the Facebook page of “พระครูอ๊อด วีรวฑฺฒโน ภิกฺขุ.” The post showed a group of tourists enjoying rafting when their raft capsized due to a sudden strong current. The tourists were stranded in the middle of a raging river, clinging to the tip of a tree.

Upon witnessing the incident, the Saen Family’s mahout team, riding their elephant named Valentine, bravely entered the rushing waters to rescue the stranded tourists. Thanks to their courageous actions, everyone was brought to safety on the shore.

The post received numerous comments from netizens who praised the Saen Family’s mahout team and Valentine for their bravery and kindness.


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Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator at The Pattaya News. Aim is a twenty-four year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.