Woman Climbs and Dances on Moving Taxi in Pattaya, Shocking Driver

Pattaya —

A short video clip has gone viral on Thai social media, showing a young woman climbing onto the roof of a moving taxi in Pattaya and dancing. The incident happened right in front of the Pattaya Police Station.

The 19-second clip, which was shared widely online, showed a young woman in a short skirt and a bra. As the woman seemed to be crossing Pattaya Beach Road, she suddenly climbed onto the roof of a slowing taxi and started dancing. The video description reads, “Dancing on the car roof, a bold move right in front of the police station!”

The taxi then pulled over to the side of the road where the woman climbed down and simply walked away.

After the incident, local reporters visited the scene yesterday morning, June 25th, in front of the Pattaya Police Station. They met Mr. Sekanarong Phalertsiriram, the driver of the VIP taxi seen in the video.

Mr. Sekanarong recounted that the incident occurred around midnight on June 24th. He said he initially thought the woman was going to cross the street, so he slowed down. To his surprise, she suddenly climbed onto the roof of his car and began dancing. He immediately stopped the vehicle and pulled over out of fear that the woman might fall down. As soon as the car stopped, the woman climbed down and walked away.

Mr. Sekanarong said he visited the police station to consult with the offices about the incident. Police officers asked him if he wanted to press charges, but Mr. Sekanarong decided not to, as there was no damage to his car.

Mr. Sekanarong wasn’t sure if the woman was mentally ill or intoxicated. However, he added that his car has a protective spirit, according to his beliefs, so he took the car for a cleaning the next morning to prevent bad luck.

Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator at The Pattaya News. Aim is a twenty-four year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.