British Tourists Involved in Viral Soi Six Brawl With Guards Found, File Formal Legal Complaint

Pattaya, Thailand – In a viral incident that has made international headlines and drove significant speculation and discussion online, a group of independent contracted guards brutally assaulted British tourists after a furious dispute over a bill on the bustling Soi 6 Pattaya over the past weekend. The attack raised serious concerns about safety and tarnished the family friendly image of the popular tourist destination, according to Pattaya Police.

In the early evening of May 24th, 2024, a confrontation erupted between foreign tourists and a group of contracted security guards overseeing independent local bars on Soi Six as we reported here.

The altercation, which began as a dispute over a bill in a bar in which the victims appear to become aggressive and confrontational with bar staff and security, even with one foreign man shoving another customer out of the bar at one point who appeared to be trying to calm the situation down, escalated into physical violence, leaving the victims battered and bruised. The incident was captured on video, sparking outrage and condemnation.

The video will not be shared in this article as it may offend sensitive viewers.

In particular, footage of one guard violently kicking a tourist in the head while already lying on the ground having been beaten, caused outrage and made headlines across the globe. The guard claimed the victim attacked him first, breaking his nose on the street, which started the fight.

Some speculated that the man was seriously injured, in a coma, or deceased, but none of that was correct as the victim told Pattaya Police today he had managed to walk away mostly uninjured from the incident and return to his hotel.

In fact, the man involved said he even went back out drinking the same night on Walking Street.

The victims walking away from the fight were actually captured on CCTV footage released to the Pattaya News several days earlier.

Pol. Col. Navin Teerawit, Chief of the Pattaya City Police Station, has personally spearheaded the investigation. The police quickly detained the perpetrators who subsequently apologized for their actions but Pattaya police had needed testimony from the victims to move forward with legal action and have spent the past several days looking for them and encouraging them online through PR statements to come and meet with police to make formal legal complaints.

The victim of the head kicking, identified by Pattaya police as Mr. Bryce Mahoney, a 42-year-old British national, finally met with police today, May 29th, 2024, along with a man he called his brother, but it was unclear if there was blood relation, involved in the incident. They met police this evening at the Pattaya Police Station around 6:00 P.M. after having been successfully found by Pattaya law enforcement officers and the Royal Thai Army Regiment 2, who had been asked to assist in locating the men. Mr. Mahoney is a tourist and legally able to stay in Thailand until June 8th, added Col. Navin.

Mr. Mahoney recounted the events leading up to the attack and told police that he and his friends had been celebrating his birthday at a bar on Soi Six. Mr. Mahoney admitted he was intoxicated and had been drinking alcohol all afternoon and confirmed that a dispute over the drinks bill escalated into a tense verbal conflict with the bar staff, who called security which only aggravated Mr. Mahoney and his friends further which then culminated in physical violence on the street in front of the bar.

Mr. Mahoney has now officially filed a complaint with the Pattaya Police investigating officers, seeking legal action against the guards involved in attacking him. His injuries included bruising to the face and head but he was not seriously injured and did not need hospital treatment, according to Mahoney. After a short visit back to his hotel after the fight, as stated, Mr. Mahoney said he then went out drinking more on Walking Street with no problems.

Meanwhile, one of Mr. Mahoney’s friends chose not to report the crime or identify himself due to safety and privacy concerns and is reportedly no longer in Pattaya. This is believed to be the man on video seen shoving another customer out of the bar before the confrontation with the guards.

Meanwhile, according to Col. Navin, the contracted security group responsible for the attack operated independently, without any official Pattaya City approval or training. They were not directly affiliated with any bar establishment or group, said Col. Navin, and the contractors violated Thai government policies. As a result, the group of independent guards will face legal action for this as well, said Col. Navin.

Pattaya police are continuing their investigation, and additional charges may be filed against the perpetrators. It is unclear at this point if the victims will face any counter charges such as for reportedly shoving another customer out of the bar or allegedly breaking the nose of one of the guards.

Pattaya Police also stressed that if a tourist has an issue with a bill rather than try to debate or argue the issue with staff or security to call the Tourist Police at 1155 as an impartial party to come and assist with a situation. Col. Navin said police would respond as quickly as possible to any requests for assistance on bill disputes.

The Pattaya News will continue to keep you updated on this story as more information is released.

Adam Judd
Mr. Adam Judd is the Co-owner of TPN Media since December 2017. He is originally from Washington D.C., America, but has also lived in Dallas, Sarasota, and Portsmouth. His background is in retail sales, HR, and operations management, and has written about news and Thailand for many years. He has lived in Pattaya for over nine years as a full-time resident, is well known locally and been visiting the country as a regular visitor for over a decade. His full contact information, including office contact information, can be found on our Contact Us page below. Stories please e-mail About Us: Contact Us: