Children’s Day Disaster: 44 Kids Injured as Natural Disaster Rescue Vehicle Show Goes Awry in Satun


On January 13th, 2024, Satun local media reported an accident on Children’s Day in the Kuan Don Subdistrict in which officials were performing a show using a natural disaster rescue vehicle. A malfunction on a part of the rescue vehicle caused 44 children to suffer mostly minor injuries.

According to a report by local media, a steel sling snapped while the officials operated a bridge vehicle used for natural disaster rescue operations. Many children were on the vehicle at the time of the unfortunate malfunction.

“44 children suffered minor injuries including back pain, waist pain, and wrist pain after the bridge slammed to the ground. However, 3 children were being closely monitored by physicians after the accident for possible further injuries,” reported Satun media.

After the accident, Mr. Sakra Kapilakhan, the Governor of Satun, issued an order to relevant agencies to take responsibility for the situation and accommodate the victims. Lastly, Sakra emphasized the prohibition of using large machines for future shows on Children’s Day in Satun.

An investigation around the maintenance of the vehicle and device was evidently ongoing.

Kittisak Phalaharn
Kittisak has a passion for outgoings no matter how tough it will be, he will travel with an adventurous style. As for his interests in fantasy, detective genres in novels and sports science books are parts of his soul. He works for Pattaya News as the latest writer.