UPDATE: Pattaya Muggers Arrested After Assaulting and Robbing Russian Tourist

PHOTO: mgronline

Pattaya —

Two Thai men were arrested on Sunday by Pattaya police after they mugged a Russian woman of her phone near Jomtien Second Road just before the past weekend.

First our previous story:

Pattaya police are intensively searching for two suspects who mugged a young Russian woman on Jomtien Second Road.

Now for our update:

The successful apprehension of two men identified by Pattaya police only as Mr. Sakkan, 28, and Mr. Phanudej, 27, on November 12th brought immense relief to the young Russian victim.

The two suspects, whose full names remain undisclosed pending an investigation, were arrested by Pattaya police for their assault and robbery against 23-year-old Ms. Aleksandra Rychkova, a Russian visitor to Pattaya.

Both Thai men confessed to their wrongdoing, which involved a physical assault on Ms. Aleksandra and theft of her phone. Phanudej, one of the suspects, admitted to pawning the tourist’s phone for “500 baht” while keeping 300 baht for himself and giving his accomplice, Sakkan, 200 baht. Phanudej claimed that he resorted to this crime in a desperate attempt to find some money to buy baby milk powder for his newborn child as he claimed he was broke and had no other options.

Meanwhile, Sakkan confessed to attacking Ms. Aleksandra while Phanudej waited. Both alleged that this was their first time ever engaging in illegal activities, and they were driven by impulsive thoughts.

After learning of the suspects’ arrest, Ms. Aleksandra expressed her gratitude for Pattaya police and gave a message to her fellow Russian travelers that Thailand is still a safe country because police officers are diligent and sincerely care about tourists’ safety.

PHOTO: mgronline


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Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator and writer at The Pattaya News. Tanakorn "Aim" Panyadee is a twenty-five year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.