Pattaya Police Pledge to be an Organization the Public Can Trust

Pattaya —

The new chief inspector of the Pattaya Police Station, Pol. Maj. Suchart Dusdee, instructed his subordinates to be service-oriented and take good care of citizens and tourists.

During a morning huddle on Monday, June 26th, Pol. Maj. Suchart said that every officer needed to be service-oriented and eager to make the Pattaya station an organization that the public could trust.

He instructed that police officers must inspect their weapons to ensure they were ready for use, as well as their vehicles, which must be in 100% operational condition, before carrying out their duties to serve the public.

Pol. Maj. Suchart also emphasized the four core values, abbreviated as COPS, to the officers, which are competency, overall-fairness, people-oriented, and service-minded.

Pattaya police hope to transition their image to one where people see them as caring, compassionate, and helping to serve and protect the people.

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Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator at The Pattaya News. Aim is a twenty-four year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.