Opinion: Medical Bytes, Thailand No 90. “The link between 1984 and 2030”

The following is an opinion piece/submission from Doc Martyn. The opinions and article are entirely his and may or may not necessarily reflect those of TPN Media Company.

1.      Established in the aftermath of World War 11, the Rules-Based International Order (RBIO) is a set of rule-based global orders structured and based on political liberalism, economic liberalism, and liberal internationalism. It entails international cooperation through multilateral institutions (eg; the UN, World Trade Organisation and the IMF). It is constituted by human equality (freedom, rule of law, and human rights), open markets, security cooperation, promotion of liberal democracy, and monetary cooperation (source Wikipedia).

2.      The World Economic Forum (WEF), see photo 1, is the complete antithesis of the RBIO. It was established in 1971 by Klaus the son of Eugen Schwab, who was a confidant of Hitler and the tyrant who used slave labor in his industrial company, Escher Wyss AG, to supply the Third Reich.

German Emeritus Professor Klaus Schwab is the founder and Executive Chairman of the WEF which, in association with the GPPP (Global Public Private Partnership), is working towards Globalism. To exercise control over the proletariat, the WEF will use the Collectivism approach. This philosophy is, in part, based on the 2500-year-old teachings of Confucius; through which Collectivism took priority over Individualism. This is Communism.

3.      Since the inception of the WEF, Klaus Schwab has held private annual meetings in the heavily guarded Davos, Switzerland, see photo 2. The meetings are attended by the elite from around the world.

The WEF’s foundation has received USD billions in tax-free donations. In 2020 Schwab published COVID-19: The Great Reset, with Thierry Malleret. Forum Publishing (2020). ISBN 978-2940631124. If you read this document, it is evident that it was written prior to the Covid-19 pandemic and adapted to the crisis, being published only 6 months after the Covid crisis began.

According to the WEF, global dominance will improve at least 16 facets of human life; from the reduction of violent crime, improved living conditions, and providing clean air and clean electricity to resolving climate change.

The ‘Great Reset’ will rely on three different approaches: 1. The digitization of money, 2. The incorporation of identification technology and 3. The imposition of a social credit system.

4.      The digitization of money: It is recommended that Central Banks produce their own Digital Currency, CBDC.  CBDC are digital versions of a country’s physical currency; a digital dollar, a digital euro, and a digital pound. At the end of 2022 more than 100 countries, including 9 G20 nations, were exploring CBDC. CBDC with blockchain technology will place government(s) in control. The capacity of governments to exercise absolute control over the proletariat has already been on display; the Canadian Truck Drivers and the Dutch Farmers.

Currently, CBDC technology is being incorporated into the wholesale sector, not the retail sector…at least not yet! Once CBDC is applied to the retail sector, those holding private digital currency, like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and XRP, beware: You are holding fiat currency. Once the transition to CBDC is complete, unless the government sanctions the private DC it will be worthless, and the value of a private digital wallet will likely be zero.

5.      Identification technology: The IT axiom states; whoever controls personal data controls the people.

Facial recognition and biometric technology will be used to identify all individuals in the Collective. Radio-frequency identification (RHID) implants will be mandated. This type of subdermal implant will contain the individual’s unique ID number, which will be linked to information contained in an external database, eg; identity, criminal record, medical history, current medication, address book, etc.

6.      The social credit system: This will be the last system to be introduced. In China, the term covers two different issues; traditional ‘financial creditworthiness’ and ‘social creditworthiness’. The system is based on a credit score between 350-950. A score of less than 350 causes the individual to be blacklisted, which has significant repercussions. Currently, this social credit system operates in at least two Chinese provinces and is based on the Confucian ideology of exalting the virtuous and the capable.

7.      At present, the world is undergoing transformation and World War 111, a politician’s war, is underway. This war is not about countries and sides. It is about Individualism vs Collectivism (the perennial Capitalism vs Communism). The proponents of the WEF are fundamentally Marxist in their purview. Marx sanctioned the abolition of private property and the weaponizing of human compassion.

In China in the 1940/1950s, Mao followed Marxist principles and under his brutal regime, 80 million Chinese people died. When the famine was severe, starving parents would eat their dead infants.

Likewise in Russia, according to Aleksandr Solzenitsyn, during the same period, Stalin’s Marxist regime killed an estimated 20 million people, who, according to The Gulag Archipelago, suffered abhorrent privation and cruelty.

The Gulag Archipelago is a very unsettling and disturbing manuscript. For those who have not read this classic work, there is now an abridged single volume, with a foreword by Prof Jordan Peterson, that obviates the need to wade through Solzenitsyn’s original 3 volumes.

The WEF favors an Authoritarian Technocracy. The psychological approach of the WEF is to; drive people to expect less and to promote ‘mass formation’ (a form of hypnosis). The latter relies upon; 1-The majority of the population need to feel lonely, 2-The population should be in a state of fear, 3-The population should feel disconnected from the environment. These conditions were realized during the recent Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition, in both schools and Universities, there has been a significant insidious shift in education policy. Marxist educators have been radicalizing students, encouraging a social disconnect between the students and their parents. Further, the woke movement is also entrenched in Marxism, and their philosophy is both oppressive and anti-intellectual.

This ‘war’ is not about the loss of national sovereignty. It is about the suppression of the human soul, the suppression of the human spirit, and the suppression of human free will, resulting in the loss of freedom.

8.  Orwell’s 1984 was a novel based on the future management of human needs and desires. 2030 will be the defining application of this tyranny. 1984 introduces the concept of Big Brother. Many of the successful autistic savants are represented in the WEF and these people will be making decisions about the progress and future of mankind. The problem; people on the spectrum have restricted insight and empathy. Thus, if successful, the WEF will formulate decisions decided by a foundation of emotionally challenged individuals. Remember Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man. The real Rain Man, Kim Peek, was born with agenesis of his Corpus Callosum, the part of the brain which connects the two hemispheres of the forebrain, see photo 3. This abnormality enabled Kim to read two pages of an open book simultaneously and retain all the information contained therein. He was blessed with an incredible memory, yet he was unable to understand or cope with life.

If the WEF is successful, and it appears that it may be because the requisite changes are already underway, then our future will be perilous. The rise of the nerds & woke is upon us! The result; the end of democracy.

I remain content in the knowledge that I will not have to endure this new world order because I will not survive long into my dotage.

Doc Martyn, Published 18th June 2023.


Adam Judd
Mr. Adam Judd is the Co-owner of TPN Media since December 2017. He is originally from Washington D.C., America, but has also lived in Dallas, Sarasota, and Portsmouth. His background is in retail sales, HR, and operations management, and has written about news and Thailand for many years. He has lived in Pattaya for over nine years as a full-time resident, is well known locally and been visiting the country as a regular visitor for over a decade. His full contact information, including office contact information, can be found on our Contact Us page below. Stories please e-mail Editor@ThePattayanews.com About Us: https://thepattayanews.com/about-us/ Contact Us: https://thepattayanews.com/contact-us/