Wild Boar On the Loose in Pattaya Draws Major Social Media Attention


A large wild boar was spotted roaming around Pattaya around 7:30 PM yesterday, February 7th. Sawang Boriboon rescue workers said they were at their wits’ end after discovering that not even five tranquilizer darts could knock out the wild beast.

The dark boar, believed to be a male weighing about 200-300 kg, was walking out and about around Big C Extra in Central Pattaya. Sawang Boriboon rescue workers were called to the scene to remove the boar after it broke some plants of local residents.

However, the boar proved to be a tough cookie as it refused to be knocked out by the five tranquilizer darts fired at it. With a shake of its head and a snort, the boar made its daring escape, leaving the rescuers to scratch their heads.

The beast is believed to be roaming freely somewhere in Pattaya as of press time, although it seems peaceful and not afraid of people. The rescuers said it might be someone’s lost pet. They are working on trying to move it safely out of the city.


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Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator and writer at The Pattaya News. Tanakorn "Aim" Panyadee is a twenty-five year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.