Man arrested after returning to pick up his meth pills he forgot at Chonburi restaurant

PHOTO: หนังสือพิมพ์รายวัน.สยามประชา

Chonburi —

  A forgetful drug suspect was arrested after he reportedly came back to a restaurant in Ban Bueng district to pick up the methamphetamine pills he forgot.

Ban Bueng police were called by the unidentified owner of a chicken and rice restaurant to come and check a bag that a customer forgot at the restaurant at 1:30 AM yesterday, December 5th. The restaurant’s owner’s name was withheld by police to protect his safety.

The restaurant was located in the Nong Chak subdistrict of Chonburi. Volunteer police arrived and examined the bag and found five meth pills. The restaurant’s owner said the bag belonged to a male customer who came to eat at his restaurant and left on a motorbike, forgetting the bag on the table. The owner recorded the moment while he was opening the bag as evidence.

PHOTO: หนังสือพิมพ์รายวัน.สยามประชา

While the plainclothes volunteer police were phoning Ban Bueng police, the suspect, Suriya Naphan, arrived at the restaurant, grabbed the bag, and tried to drive his motorcycle away stealthily. However, Suriya alerted the police and was asked to be searched. Seeing so, the 28-year-old suspect only stated he came to pick up his “important” belongings he forgot and then tried to run away.

Volunteer police outran Suriya and caught him with a bag concealing the pills. The suspect, an Amnat Charoen native, was transported to the Ban Bueng police station where he reportedly confessed that he forgot his bag at the restaurant after taking three meth pills. The suspect was charged with illegal drug possession and driving under the influence of illegal drugs.


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Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator and writer at The Pattaya News. Tanakorn "Aim" Panyadee is a twenty-five year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.