Pattaya mayor candidate “Sakchai” files complaint against two candidates for allegedly violating election rules

Pattaya —

The independent Pattaya mayor candidate, Sakchai Taenghor, filed a complaint against two candidates for allegedly violating three election rules.

Sakchai Taenghor revealed to the associated press yesterday, May 31st, that he went to the Election Commission Office to protest the election result on May 22nd and filed a complaint against two candidates who allegedly broke three election rules as follows:

  1. Exceeding the banner limits
  2. Discrepancy on the ballots in two polling stations
  3. Advertising on social media to commercially promote businesses

Sakchai claimed that he had kept all the proof and that the violating candidates would certainly face punishment of a fine, disqualification from election, or even jail time before the re-election began on June 12th.

The Election Commission, however, needed at least 60 days to consider his complaint. The names of the candidates he was complaining against were not made available to the press pending the Election Commission investigation.

Sakchai added that he used to be the Bang Lamung district chief for eight years, so he was well aware of the problems in Pattaya. He wanted to work for the people, but he only got 990 votes. He affirmed that he did not want to intimidate other candidates but merely wanted a fair and honest election.

TPN notes that Pattaya will rearrange an election at two problematic polling stations on June 12th due to the discrepancy on ballots.

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Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator at The Pattaya News. Aim is a twenty-four year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.