UNICEF ramps up support to curb COVID-19 outbreak in Bangkok’s Klongtoey community

The following is a press release from UNICEF, their thoughts and opinions are their own.

BANGKOK, 6 May 2021 – UNICEF is ramping up support to help curb the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in Bangkok’s Klongtoey community through distributing ultra-heat treated (UHT) milk and hygiene supplies, providing critical information and guidelines as well as mobilizing community workers and volunteers to protect the most vulnerable children and families.

UNICEF is supporting Klongtoey D Jung Group of Komol Keemthong Foundation, a non-governmental organization, and other partners on the ground to establish a community response system to fight the recent outbreak in the community and help children and families access health services, child protection such as psychosocial support and counseling and other critical assistance as soon as possible. UNICEF is also mobilizing trained volunteers and hiring additional full-time community workers to help track new cases, facilitate referrals to health and child protection services and ensure timely support for affected households.

The Klongtoey community is Thailand’s largest low-income community located in central Bangkok. Comprising 43 sub-communities, it is home to some 100,000 people, most of whom work in the informal sector and lack access to hygiene and other critical supplies.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic could pose lifelong consequences for children, especially the most vulnerable. Infections among children are on the rise; restriction measures are disrupting their access to health, education, welfare, and protection services; family separation measures between children and caretakers infected with COVID-19 could create tension and fear and put the well-being of children at risk, and the economic impact on household incomes may severely affect children’s well-being and futures.

UNICEF will deliver more than 100,000 items of hygiene supplies including soaps, hand sanitizers, alcohol sprays, disinfectants, and face masks to protect children and families as well as community workers and volunteers against COVID-19. UHT milk along with books, toys, and learning materials will also be delivered to the Klongtoey community to keep young children healthy and learning during the pandemic.

Through the network of I Am UNICEF volunteer platform, UNICEF is mobilizing student volunteers to develop a series of infographics, posters, pamphlets, and a community radio program featuring self-care tips, guidelines for parents and communities as well as updates on the latest government measures to keep the Klongtoey community informed while living under COVID-19 restriction measures.

A hotline will also be set up to provide critical information to the community, such as quarantine recommendations, how to get tested for COVID-19, what to do if a person or their family member is infected and which groups are at risk of infection.


To Join UNICEF’s volunteering program to help fight COVID-19, please visit: https://www.unicef.org/thailand/i-am-unicef

 More information on COVID-19 and UNICEF’s work:  www.unicef.org/coronavirus or www.unicef.org/thailand

Join the fight against CODIV-19 by donating to UNICEF Thailand’s efforts:

Online: https://unicef.or.th/en/donate/campaigns/covid-19

Bank Transfer: Bangkok Bank Account no. 201-3-01324-4

Please send your contact information (name, address, mobile phone number) together with payslip to UNICEF and indicate “Covid-19” to unicefthailand@unicef.org

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Adam Judd
Mr. Adam Judd is the Chief of Content, English language, of TPN Media since December 2017. He is originally from Washington D.C., America, but has also lived in Dallas, Sarasota, and Portsmouth. His background is in retail sales, HR, and operations management, and has written about news and Thailand for many years. He has lived in Pattaya for over a decade as a full-time resident, is well known locally and been visiting the country as a regular visitor for over 15 years. His full contact information, including office contact information, can be found on our Contact Us page below. Stories please e-mail Editor@ThePattayanews.com About Us: https://thepattayanews.com/about-us/ Contact Us: https://thepattayanews.com/contact-us/