Update on Chinese tourist found murdered, stuffed in suitcase and dumped in river in Northern Thailand who stayed in Pattaya


The Pattaya News reported yesterday on a thirty year old Chinese man who was found deceased and stuffed in a suitcase with his arms and legs bound. The suitcase was found in the Ping river in Northern Thailand, in the Kamphaeng Phet Province. Our article on this news can be found here:


Today more details have emerged regarding the situation.

Police are treating the investigation as a murder. The victim, Jun Wang, 30, had arrived in Thailand on February 12 with fifteen other Chinese Nationals. The group was not a tour group and their movements and activities were, according to Thai police, not typical for tourists. The group rented three villas during their stay.

The remainder of the group left the country on the 14 of February.

Chonburi Police and Immigration along with the assistance of several other relevant agencies investigated several guest houses today where the group of Chinese Nationals stayed.

The man’s wife is also missing and investigators believe she may also have been murdered and dumped in the same river. Divers are searching the area.

Here is a video our associated reporter shot of the inspection of the villas:


A local minibus was rented which drove several members of the group to Northern Thailand to the Kamphaeng Phet province with four suitcases, which was then dropped in the Ping river. Police are searching for the other three cases. It is believed the Chinese man drowned in the suitcase.

Police say the investigation is ongoing and arrest warrants are in the process of being drawn up. There has been no motive given for the murder at this time. Police said they will give further facts on the case as the situation develops.

Adam Judd
Mr. Adam Judd is the Co-owner of TPN Media since December 2017. He is originally from Washington D.C., America, but has also lived in Dallas, Sarasota, and Portsmouth. His background is in retail sales, HR, and operations management, and has written about news and Thailand for many years. He has lived in Pattaya for over nine years as a full-time resident, is well known locally and been visiting the country as a regular visitor for over a decade. His full contact information, including office contact information, can be found on our Contact Us page below. Stories please e-mail Editor@ThePattayanews.com About Us: https://thepattayanews.com/about-us/ Contact Us: https://thepattayanews.com/contact-us/