We wrote here at The Pattaya News on July 3rd, 2019 about a local man who claimed he had invented a powerless generator that could generate, in his words, thousands of watts of electricity without fuel for 6-8 hours by using a hand crank system.
Local 75 year old Thai man says he has built and invented his own generator that doesn’t use fuel
Now, a professor at the Lat Krabang Institute of Technology, Mr. Dusit Suksawat, says that he believes that this is a false claim and that the physics involved don’t add up.
75-year-old Cheun Fanmeik, who lives in Chon Buri, says he has been working on the device for more than a decade and his claims are true. He has not given specific details about his generator except that it uses a hand crank system. He states he has copyrighted the device as well.
Meanwhile, Mr. Dusit Suksawat says he has called on Mr. Fanmeik to present his machine for scientific and analysis to the University. So far, Mr. Fanmeik has not responded.