Koh Larn is now Pattaya’s biggest draw. It has been that way for some time and cannot be denied with the multiple ferry boat loads of tourists visiting the island every day and the speed boats dropping people off as well. Thousands of tourists flock to this small island to enjoy the beaches and the local hospitality.
However, with the crumbling infrastructure on the island, a waste buildup issue without the ability to dispose of the waste properly (A problem affecting the city proper now as well) and lack of proper water management for the residents and expected 10,000 tourists a day on the island the city quite simply is unable to raise enough money to tackle the problems head on.
Local residents on Koh Larn have stated to the press and city hall that many tourists, especially Chinese (Their statement, not ours) leave all their trash on the beach and streets and do not dispose of it properly and have no regard for the natural beauty of the island or the beach.
Seen below are the current fee’s, set at mostly 30 baht, to take a ferry to the island. This fee for the ferry would be in addition to a fee to enter the island.
Therefore proposed at a recent City Council Meeting staffed by all prominent members of City Hall was a proposition to charge tourists to enter Koh Larn. This fee would NOT include the current fees to take a ferry to the island, listed below, in which only the ferry operators get the share of the money and no money goes to the infrastructure of the island. This proposed fee would also not include Thai nationals. It is unclear if a permanent Thai Resident with a non tourist visa would also pay a fee.
The exact amount of the fee was not stated at this time but is instead being debated as a solution to the problems on the island. This solution will continue to be debated at City Hall over the next several weeks at which point it will likely go to a vote. This being said, you could be paying a few hundred baht for the pleasure to visit Ko Larn on your next trip, folks.
It’s important to note that right now this is only a proposal and for the time being nothing has changed.
We will continue to update you.