Pattaya Police Rescue Chinese Man who was Allegedly Kidnapped by Fellow Chinese National Over Gambling Dispute

PHOTO: TMN Cable TV Pattaya

Pattaya —

Pattaya police and immigration officers rescued a 32-year-old Chinese national today after he was allegedly abducted and held captive in a pickup truck by his fellow Chinese gambler, following a high-stakes football betting loss.

The incident occurred at 3 AM today, June 27th, in front of a Chinese restaurant on Pattaya Second Road. Authorities rescued a Chinese victim, identified only as Mr. Fu, who was reportedly held captive in a white pickup truck in front of the unidentified restaurant.

According to Mr. Fu’s statement to the police, he met with the suspect, Mr. Tian, his Chinese gambling friend, and Mr. Pichet, his Thai friend, around 8 PM yesterday to negotiate a football betting debt.

Mr. Fu explained that he had invited customers to gamble on football matches with Mr. Tian, who acted as the bookmaker. However, Mr. Fu’s clients lost 24,000 yuan or over 120,000 Thai baht in bets and then fled. Mr. Tian then demanded that Mr. Fu pay the debt himself.

Unable to pay the bets, Mr. Fu told police he received several threats by Mr. Tian, including threats to cut off his legs, kill him, and hand him over to a call center scam gang for torture. Fearing for his life, Mr. Fu paid 7,000 baht to Mr. Tian initially. However, Mr. Tian was not satisfied with the amount, so he ordered his accomplices to abduct Mr. Fu and confine him in a pickup truck, according to the victim’s claims.

Pattaya police arrested Mr. Tian following the rescue and charged him with intimidation, unlawful detention, and assault. It was unclear if the victim sustained any injuries.

It was also unclear if any charges would be filed regarding betting and gambling on football, which is highly illegal in Thailand.

Thai police have been targeting illegal gambling nationwide, arresting as of several days ago almost 2,000 people across Thailand.

PHOTO: TMN Cable TV Pattaya
PHOTO: TMN Cable TV Pattaya


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Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator at The Pattaya News. Aim is a twenty-four year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.