Illegal Electricity Usage Worth 10 Million Baht Per Month Found at Crypto Mining Company in Ratchaburi 

Ratchaburi —

On June 25th, 2024, Photharam police and relevant agencies conducted a search at a company in Photharam, Ratchaburi, following a warrant issued by the Ratchaburi Court due to irregular electricity usage.

Upon arrival, a 41-year-old company administrator identified only as Mr. Viraphon was informed of the search warrant. Provincial Electricity Authority officials had detected electricity usage that did not match the company’s registration.

Officers discovered numerous electrical devices, including cryptocurrency mining equipment, servers, and other hardware. The company allegedly had three container rooms with over 700 crypto-mining devices. However, only 59 devices were seized as the rest had reportedly been relocated before the search.

Electricity Authority officials had reported inconsistent voltage usage at the company, leading to further investigation. It was found that the company’s electricity usage did not align with its stated purposes.

Registered under Miner Union Ltd., the company allegedly modified the electricity meter to show lower usage than the actual consumption. This illegal activity was valued at 10 million baht per month.

All devices were confiscated as evidence, and the suspect was taken for further legal proceedings.

Kittisak Phalaharn
Kittisak has a passion for outgoings no matter how tough it will be, he will travel with an adventurous style. As for his interests in fantasy, detective genres in novels and sports science books are parts of his soul. He works for Pattaya News as the latest writer.