BANGKOK– In a recent incident that has stirred major public attention especially on Thai social media, a Polish man was arrested in Bangkok for allegedly slapping a young woman on the buttocks inside a convenience store. The event took place in the Sathorn district say Thai authorities.
The suspect claimed in his defense that he had engaged in similar behavior previously in Thailand without repercussions and claimed he felt he did nothing wrong and didn’t see his act as a big deal. He also said he was scheduled to leave Thailand soon and was hoping he would just be let go. However, Thai law enforcement was clear in their stance that such behavior would not be tolerated, resulting in immediate legal action. Additionally, the lack of apology or regret for his actions also led authorities to push for full legal action against Piotr.
Legal experts point out that under Thai law, acts of sexual harassment can lead to severe penalties, including imprisonment for up to ten years. The suspect is currently being held pending further investigation and potential charges that could include sexual assault along with sexual harassment charges, potentially increasing his legal penalties.
Photo credit: Matichon