Did you know that The Pattaya News is much more than just a website?
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We have also founded and run http://Thepattayanews.co.th, a Thai-language version of The Pattaya News. We are focused on local information for Pattaya, REAL news, not a clickbait website or one trying to sell you products in the guise of news. We also run Thebangkoknews.com for Thai language national news. We also run Phuketdailynews.com for Thai language Phuket news and ThePhuketexpress.com for English news. We also have TPNnational.com for English-language national news.
We also founded and designed www.Pattayaunplugged.com, which is our media division and focused on local businesses, tips, advice, vblogs, blogs, and an overall community portal of what is going on in Pattaya.
We also own TPNThailand.com which shows all our news stories for every site on one source and TPNmediathailand.com which is a directory of our pages.
Finally, for a quick RSS look at all our articles: https://pattaya-news.com/
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