Royal Thai Navy Sinks Decommissioned Patrol Ships in Sattahip to Create Undersea Diving Learning Park

Chonburi —

The Royal Thai Navy ceremonially sunk two decommissioned patrol ships to create an undersea diving learning park in Sattahip, Chonburi and to honor decades of the ships’ service.

On September 3rd, 2024, Vice Admiral Surasak Singkhorawat, Commander of the First Naval Area Command, presided over the ceremony to deploy decommissioned patrol ships, T.94 and T.95, known as “Father’s Boats,” as an undersea diving learning park east of Juang Island in Chonburi’s Sattahip district.

The two ships were ceremonially sunk into the seabed, while Vice Admiral Surasak delivered a eulogy as tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of all naval personnel who served the nation. He commemorated their contributions in defending and preserving Thailand’s maritime sovereignty, having operated alongside these vessels for nearly 40 years. The ships will now serve as a historical learning and diving site for future generations.

The patrol ships T.94 and T.95 are part of the same fleet as T.91, which is a project inspired by His Royal Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great, who provided the oversight for the Royal Thai Navy’s self-reliance in shipbuilding. The project resulted in the construction of nine coastal patrol vessels, T.91 to T.99, between 1967 and 1987. These vessels are collectively known as the “Father’s Boats.”

On September 25th, 2019, Admiral Napadon Supakorn, then-Commander of the Royal Thai Fleet, officially decommissioned three of these patrol ships, including T.94, which entered service on September 16th, 1981, and served for 38 years, T.95, which entered service on December 27th, 1982, and served for 37 years, and T.91, the first in the series, which entered service on August 12th, 1968, and served for 52 years. The decommissioning ceremony took place at Laem Thian Pier at the Sattahip Naval Base in Chonburi.


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Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator and writer at The Pattaya News. Tanakorn "Aim" Panyadee is a twenty-five year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.