Pattaya Officials Plan to Extend One-Way Traffic System on Soi Honey and Soi Diana Inn to Lengkee and Parts of Buakhao

Pattaya —

Pattaya officials inspected the results of the one-way traffic system on Soi 11 (Soi Honey) and Soi 13 (Soi Diana Inn) on August 29th while planning to implement the system further across Soi Buakhao.

The Pattaya City Council’s Committee on Administration and Public Safety, led by Mr. Anupong Phutthanavarat, the committee chairman, conducted a field visit to monitor the progress of the one-way traffic system on Soi Honey and Soi Diana Inn last Thursday.

This initiative followed complaints from residents in the area, although the overall response has been positive as the traffic flow has improved in both sois, Mr. Anupong said.

The authorities explained the advantages of the one-way traffic system to the locals and surveyed the area for the potential implementation of a one-way system across Soi Buakhao.

The committee also considered locations for painting road markings in Soi Buakhao and inspected the area to collect data for reorganizing parking in Soi Lengkee and the section of Soi Buakhao that intersects with Third Road.

Additionally, the authorities warned against installing signs encroaching on public areas and placing objects in public spaces to attempt to protect parking spots or prohibit parking in front of their venues.


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Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator and writer at The Pattaya News. Tanakorn "Aim" Panyadee is a twenty-five year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.