Thai Tourist Found Dead on Koh Larn After Severe Vomiting

Banglamung —

At 6:00 PM, on July 12th, 2024, Pattaya City police received a report about a Thai tourist experiencing severe vomiting of blood and having noticeable bruises on his body on Koh Larn, Banglamung, Chonburi. The tourist was found deceased before being able to go to a hospital.

According to relevant officers, Mr. Sittikorn Kajonprai, 39, had bruises all over his body, and his head was swollen. Rescuers arrived at the scene and determined that Sittikorn had been deceased for approximately 1-2 hours.
Sittikorn’s wife, whose name was withheld by the police, informed the officers that her husband and her had arrived at Koh Larn on July 9th for a holiday. On the day of the incident, Sittikorn woke up at 7 AM and had breakfast. However, by 11 AM, he began vomiting blood severely. His wife urged him to seek medical treatment, but he reportedly refused and went to sleep.
At 2 PM, Sittikorn’s wife attempted to wake him up and requested an urgent transfer to Ban Koh Larn Community Medical Center. Unfortunately, Sittikorn was unresponsive.

Sittikorn’s wife told the officers that her husband was fond of alcohol and often crashed into objects while intoxicated, thus his bruises. He also had congenital diseases, including liver cirrhosis and high blood pressure. She believed his fondness for alcohol led to his death.
Initially, Sittikorn’s body was transferred to Banglamung Hospital for a thorough autopsy to determine the exact cause of his death.

Kittisak Phalaharn
Kittisak has a passion for outgoings no matter how tough it will be, he will travel with an adventurous style. As for his interests in fantasy, detective genres in novels and sports science books are parts of his soul. He works for Pattaya News as the latest writer.