Pattaya Police Upset as Foreigner Flaunts Alleged 20,000 Baht Slot Machine Win Online

Pattaya —

A foreign man showed off his alleged 20,000-baht gambling win from an online slot machine on a Pattaya Facebook group, upsetting the Pattaya police.

On July 3rd, a foreign man posted in the Facebook group “Pattaya, Thailand” boasting about his alleged win on a gambling site, saying, “It’s good to play slot machines and win 20,000 baht.”

The popular Thai Facebook page “Drama-addict” shared his post, saying, “This man says he won 20,000 baht playing slots in Thailand. What do the local police have to say about this?”

The post attracted numerous comments from netizens urging police to investigate. Some comments also stated that the man possibly played at Soi 6, which is close to the Pattaya Police Station, however there was no hard evidence on this.

Police reportedly have investigated many local businesses in the area but could not find the place in question, with some netizens saying that the post may have been a “joke” or a “wind up” and that the man may not actually even currently be in Thailand.

Pattaya police, however, have stated they do not find the situation funny and as of press time were searching for the foreigner, who is reportedly well known for posting online, to interview him. They encouraged the man to turn himself in and speak to them in person.

Gambling is strictly illegal in Thailand, with some of the strictest anti-gambling laws in the world, other than the government sponsored national lottery.

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Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator and writer at The Pattaya News. Tanakorn "Aim" Panyadee is a twenty-five year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.