PM2.5 Dust Level in Pattaya Reaches Unhealthy Levels, Mask Recommended say Officials

Pattaya —

Residents and tourists in Pattaya are recommended to put a protective mask on after the health-hazardous fine dust PM2.5 level in the city has risen to the dangerous level of 174 microgrammes per cubic meter.

The dust level far exceeds the safe threshold of 50 microgrammes per cubic meter and has remained dangerously high since the start of February, Pattaya officials reported on Sunday, February 19th.

The unhealthy dust fogged up several areas in Pattaya, such as South, Central, and North Pattaya Roads. The sky is overcast not due to the looming deluge but PM2.5 which is likely to worsen as the weather in Pattaya remains humid, said the officials.

People in Pattaya are advised to either avoid outdoor activities or wear a proper facial mask that is designed against smog, not a surgical mask, when running errands outside to protect themselves.


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Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator at The Pattaya News. Aim is a twenty-four year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.