German tourist thanks Pattaya rescuers for retrieving his phone from a gutter

PHOTO: บริษัท โสภณ เคเบิ้ล ที.วี.และสื่อสาร พัทยา จำกัด

Pattaya —

A German tourist was grateful to Pattaya rescuers after they retrieved his iPhone XR that he accidentally dropped in a gutter.

A group of Pattaya rescuers helped Mr. Helmut Roth Grigori get his phone back after it slipped out of his hand into a gutter in front of Soi Seven on Pattaya Second Road on Tuesday, December 6th.

The 68-year-old tourist told local media that he could not open the gutter’s lid, so he asked for help from the passing rescuers around 10:30 PM. The rescuers took a while to open the lid to retrieve Grigori’s red iPhone XR and handed it back to him. Luckily, the gutter was dry, and the phone was still in good shape.

PHOTO: บริษัท โสภณ เคเบิ้ล ที.วี.และสื่อสาร พัทยา จำกัด

Grigori thanked the public-spirited rescuers for helping him, saying even though his phone was old, it contained a lot of important information like the numbers of his friends, family, and relatives. The rescuers did not ask for anything in return and took pictures with the smiling tourist.


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Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator and writer at The Pattaya News. Tanakorn "Aim" Panyadee is a twenty-five year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.