Ban Bueng, Chonburi —
A large collision between two pickup trucks, a sedan, and a motorcycle left a 62-year-old motorcyclist dead due to being run over.
The multi-vehicle crash occurred in the Ban Bueng district of Chonburi, yesterday, August 19th. The four vehicles involved consisted of a bronze Isuzu pickup truck, a white Nissan Almera sedan, another bronze Isuzu pickup truck, and a red Yamaha Fino bike.

The most unfortunate victim was a 62-year-old man named Saen Jiddeengam who rode a motorbike and had been run over by the white Nissan sedan. Songserm Seeratham rescue workers pronounced him dead at the scene after freeing his body from beneath the car.
Thanita Wongta, the 35-year-old Nissan sedan driver, told local media that she was driving behind Saen when Saen crashed his bike into a car before him. Getting startled, Thanita stated she braked her sedan just in time before she ran over Saen who toppled over, but another pickup truck behind her crashed into her and shoved her sedan forward, crushing Saen to his death.

Ong-art Sataworn, the pickup truck driver who crashed into the Nissan sedan from behind, said that he was delivering a truckload of vegetables and already attempted to brake but failed, as his cargo was too heavy.
As of now, the 62-year-old victim’s body was transported to a nearby hospital to await his relatives while all parties involved would be investigated by police. Apart from Saen, none of the people involved in this crash sustained injuries.
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