Karaoke venue in Pattaya allegedly offering sexual services temporarily closed after being exposed on social media

PHOTO: มุมข่าวพัทยา


A karaoke venue known among customers as “Nakata” was ordered by police to be temporarily closed after being exposed on social media that it allegedly offered sex services.

Local media went to check on a notorious karaoke venue that stood behind a gas station on Sukhumvit Rd inbound to Banglamung at 10:30 PM on July 4th, after the venue was exposed on social media for allegedly offering sexual services to customers right in front of the venue.

PHOTO: มุมข่าวพัทยา

According to local media, the venue was known among customers as “Nakata” although the real name was withheld by local media. Nakata had been in business for more than ten years, but it was ordered to be temporarily shut down by police after its alleged secrecy went viral on social media.

PHOTO: มุมข่าวพัทยา

As of 10:30 PM on June 4th, local media reported an empty venue with no twinkling festoons, staff, customers, or any other familiar indicator of an entertainment venue. Moreover, other venues in the vicinity of this contentious venue were also closed, according to local media.

PHOTO: มุมข่าวพัทยา

Residents living near the venue told local media that they saw a police patrol car rolling onto the street and telling the venue operators to temporarily close their businesses until further notice. They also said that the venue accused of offering sexual services was located alarmingly close to a school, a temple, and the Banglamung Police Station.


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Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator and writer at The Pattaya News. Tanakorn "Aim" Panyadee is a twenty-five year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.