Bangkok –
The Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) joined the investigation of “Daruma” Japanese restaurant owner Metha Chalingsuk, confiscating his cars, luggage, safe box, hi-end bags, and many more.
AMLO had joined the Consumer Protection Police Division (CPPD) to conduct searches in two areas of Metha’s residence and a Daruma restaurant in the Jas Ramintra area on Thursday, June 30th.
Officers have seized many properties in dispute, including a black Porsche Cayenne, a safe box, 2 Rimowa-branded luggage items, hi-end bags, and a number of documents. The investigating officers were ordered to make a record of the seizure and reported to AMLO for the following steps.
In terms of financial tracking, no suspicious records were found yet but there were connections with third parties with the amount of transferred money of 1 million baht. Other than that, it was financial transactions that were made for payment to suppliers.
Regarding the interrogation, about 65 victims, including suppliers’ employees who were working with the restaurants, were questioned as witnesses. It was found that the suspect failed to pay five suppliers, causing damages of more than 46 million baht. He also reportedly failed to pay rent in many branches and employees’ salaries of more than 4 million baht.
The investigation continues and TPN will continue to provide further updates as they become available.
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