Thief allegedly steals motorcycle in broad daylight in Sri Racha

Sri Racha

CCTV footage captured a thief allegedly stealing a motorcycle from a Sri Racha female local early yesterday morning, June 23rd. The victim claimed the suspect had a long list of similar crimes.

Local media reported a story of a 44-year-old female victim Thanathan Ngamthawee who complained that her black/orange Honda Zoomer X was stolen right from the front of her house. According to her, the incident occurred yesterday morning at 6 AM, June 23rd, in the Surasak subdistrict of Sri Racha, Chonburi.

According to CCTV footage from a retail store in the victim’s village, the suspect appeared to be a man wearing a purple short-sleeved shirt and black trousers. He was skinny and stood at around 170 cm. The footage revealed the suspect sneaking into the victim’s premise and easily pulling the motorcycle away. The victim admitted she forgetfully left the key on the motorcycle, according to local media.

The victim, however, said she knew from asking other villagers that the suspect’s name was Def (real name not provided). He reportedly had a long history of crimes in Sri Racha, the victim told local media.

As of press time, the victim was collecting evidence including CCTV footage that clearly showed the suspect’s face to file a report at the Sri Racha Police Station.


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Aim Tanakorn
The local news translator at The Pattaya News. Aim is a twenty-four year old who currently lives in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.