The following is our exclusive weekly feature in which we ask our readers a news topical question and then give you a week to answer it on our various channels, compiling a diverse range of answers and opinions to present to you, our valued readers.
Last week, we asked you the following:
Some context around the question:
This week, we are going to choose the biggest topic on most people’s minds, Chonburi becoming a maximum control zone, or dark red, effective tomorrow, July 20th, 2021 until further notice. This announcement brings a number of tough new restrictions, measures, closures, and other rules. Officials claim the move will help prevent Covid-19 in the province as cases have steadily been rising for the most part regionally. The decision was, it is to be noted, made by the Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration, or CCSA, with the central government and not by the governor or locally.
You can read more about the new rules and restrictions, which basically shuts down all non-essential business as well as brings in a mandatory overnight curfew and more road checkpoints, by clicking here.
We want to know what you think about this move. Do you think this will help resolve the situation? Do you think more financial aid is needed for businesses that have been closed as a result of the order? (Or ones already closed, such as the entertainment and nightlife industry that has been shut for over three and a half months.) Is this move a solid one based on the rise in cases, in your opinion, or a distraction to avoid the fact that vaccine allocation to Chonburi has been very low? How long do you think the new measures will last? What is the path out of what seems like never-ending restrictions with no end in sight?
Here is what you, our readers, had to say as our editors selected some of the most diverse responses to highlight different points of view.
Do you still want to chime in? Here is how:
Let us know in the comments below (scroll down), on our social media, or mail us at Please keep in mind all comments below are those of the reader, and may not reflect those of The Pattaya News Company Limited.
Kim L-Interesting but really all this lockdown does is cause misery. So many sad stories, nowhere in the world is improved with the lockdown. Already donated food is the norm in Pattaya. They do not have any money. Their landlords are demanding they pay rent. What the mainstream media don’t tell us; the virus is more contagious now but it is also weaker, less deadly. Hard lockdown is unnecessary, it will cause more hardship and death than the virus. The Thai people seem to fear the vaccine more than they fear the virus. What Thailand needs is to up the hygiene, especially in markets and construction sites. Ensure that people have access to decent facilities where they work and live.
John O-I live in Ireland, we have had the strictest lockdown in Europe, and 2nd strictest in the world, 2nd to Cuba, our uptake of the vaccine is well over 50% and by end of August 80%. The best uptake in Europe. The new variant is now taking hold here, so my belief is that even when people have the vaccination it won’t make much difference to the spread of the virus, so I think we should all get back to normal and start living again, live with the virus and have some sort of life. People and economies cannot continue to carry on like this. How many are going to die from other health issues that are being ignored because of the virus, eg, mental health, or other treatments that are being canceled.
Alan K-It’s too late now for restrictions, the elephant has bolted. Live with it, save the country economically and get business and people back to work!
Peter M-They should have commenced the lockdown back in April same as last year instead of letting it spread out of control the last 3 months, closing entertainment venues has done nothing to limit the spread
Stuben-This was more than overdue. And when I look at the Central Mall in Pattaya with I guess much more than 100 cases now already I ask myself why the staff there is not in quarantine. It was closed one day for disinfection and continued to be open the next day. Did they check and vaccinate the staff in the other malls?!
Lord Riodel The Great(the name given)-This is fantastic. It should last until every bar, nightclub, and gogo is eliminated and they can bulldoze the entire sex industry and eradicate this horrific pestilence and all the sex tourists forever from Pattaya. The city is wonderful right now during lockdown, quiet, peaceful, wonderful to get around and a perfect place to be. The curfew should be permanent, as normal, law-abiding, polite people are in bed by 10:00 P.M. Real men don’t need nightlife and all that other trash. Schools being closed doesn’t matter as true adults can homeschool their own children. The only disappointing thing is alcohol was not completely banned, this should happen immediately and be permanent as this is a Buddhist country. Bars, gogos, nightlife, and nightclubs should be BANNED forever. They should also ban ALL dating applications permanently in Thailand, they are only used for horrific deeds and acts. As for those unemployed, they can find other jobs. Good riddance to all the trash before!
Dave- I’ve lived here full-time for over 7 years and I’ve seen some boondoggles but this one takes the cake. Every time that I read about additional restrictions from on high and the “dirty” farang, I get angry.
Jim S- Thank you for your Reader Talkback about the restrictions. I get my information from