Pattaya, Thailand:
The following is our popular weekly reader talkback results feature in which we ask our readers a question, usually one that is currently in the news, and then highlight a diverse range of answers roughly a week later.
Last week, we asked you the following question:
Last week was the ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY of a “two-week” closure of entertainment venues in Pattaya that became almost four months, complete with curfews, alcohol bans, beach closures, pool closures (one of our most commented issues), checkpoints, and more. We never had a proper lockdown contrary to popular belief….people were never ordered to stay at home and prohibited from going anywhere else, but it was fairly close.
One year later, many countries around the world remain in (or have set new) lockdowns and despite vaccines and light on the horizon for many, the situation hasn’t improved. Although life has been fairly normal in Thailand minus a small blip in January of this year since July of last year, foreign tourism is still essentially on pause, impacting millions of people and thousands of businesses in Thailand.
What you told us is below. If you didn’t have a chance to respond, let us know in the comments, on our social media, or mail us at we look forward to hearing from you.
Paul W-Well this pandemic hit me hard as well as working at the Airport was then put on furlough & as I write this a year later still on furlough also had my trip to Pattaya booked for last April for Songkran was canceled then rebooked for this April was canceled again due to the UK government saying it was illegal to fly so have rebooked again for the 3rd time in September I hope the quarantine period will be gone by then so the local people can finally make money for there families & also put money Back into the Thai economy
Rami C-I love Pattaya how it is, it’s a far nicer more relaxed civilized place, it was in serious decline long before covid due to greed, indifference and ripping off, for sure Pattaya will never be the same, a big clean up was needed and a new image, before the virus the city attracted the dregs of society, let’s hope a more upmarket clientele will be the thing of the future, will the locals have learned a lesson? I doubt it!!!
Marcus Z-A successful fight by Thailand against the virus at the expense of the entire economy, especially of cities like Pattaya. Closed shops, a lot of local emigrants, poverty and and and … What next? More perseverance slogans? Instead, a vaccination program is too slow. If they want to open the country in October, heavy and fast work without failures must be done. But in other countries too…. especially the EU. Impact for me? A waste of time. A lost year…. Hopefully never again.
Michael W-A complete waste of humanity, lifestyle, resources and only created enslavement.
Katja C-I worked in the tourism industry in Pattaya, helping Russian tourists. I lost my job, income, and peace of mind for the past year but became stronger. I can only hope we find a way to restore tourism by the end of this year.
Mike T-I’m broke this year, thanks to losing my job, and learned how to eat mama noodles a lot more often. Hope to see things improve later this year.
T.E.-My girlfriend left me for a Thai dude. No, really. I couldn’t get in due to border closures and she broke up with my ass and left me. Such is life.
Peter R-I am fortunate enough not to have been financially affected by the last year. However, I spent a lot of time helping at charity events in Pattaya and Nongprue and handing out meals to the needy, and developed true compassion for how much this has hurt the average person. Many comments online seem to be from people who are angry or bitter at the bar industry but don’t understand the vast majority of those hurt by this past year don’t work in the bars but it is all a knock-on effect.
Dieter A-I’m trapped in a recurring groundhog day of absolute ******** and feel like Bill Murray.
Andrew S-I had to leave Thailand due to issues with my visa and lack of income, however turned a negative into a positive and found a successful job I enjoy back home.