Bangkok –
Thai LGBT+ communities held a ‘Prai Parade’ traveling from Bangkok’s Sam Yan to Silom road at 4:00 PM yesterday, November 7, as a part of the pro-democracy movement to demand equal rights and democracy.
The rally was called ‘Prai’ Parade or ‘Parade of the Proletarians’ where a group of LGBT+ and woman’s rights supporters were seen dressing up fancily and symbolically and holding up signs to express how they had allegedly been opposed socially and physically in Thai society.
A series of encouraging speeches and performances began once they arrived on Silom Road. They primarily talked about current social issues, including the disappearance of Wanchalearm Satsaksit in Cambodia five months ago. He was an outspoken critic of the military government and a supporter of equal rights for LGBT+ people in Thailand.
Several lively dancing performances and catwalk-like performances were also featured in the parade throughout the evening until the parade was called off around 9:00 PM.
The rally remained peaceful and creatively brought a bit of color to pro-democracy protests during their uprising tensions since the Thai military-based government had not yet responded to any of their core demands.
Meanwhile, another major pro-democracy demonstration will be staged today, November 8, at 4:00 PM at the Democracy Monument of the capital before marching to another location, which has not been announced, according to the pro-democracy Free Youth Facebook page.
The pro-democracy protesters are encouraged to write their own letters to His Royal Majesty the King and to press their three core demands as they will potentially uplift Thai society.
The three demands are the resignation of Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-O’Cha, the new draft of the Thai Constitution, and reform of the highest institution.
Today’s rally is also planned to be the biggest march for the past months, according to their statement. The Pattaya News/TPN News will provide readers the story coverage of the march this evening as soon as possible.
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