French tourist complains to Thai police about Nazi Gear for sale in Pattaya


Mr. Alexandre Jandaeng, 34, of French, spotted the previous photo at a roadside shop in Pattaya on his recent holiday and took pictures.

He states that he was very offended by this being sold in Pattaya and Thailand and that he feels it reflects badly on Pattaya. He went to the tourist police with the images and asked why they would permit these to be sold here.

The police responded in an official statement that although they understand the Nazi symbol and items are banned in many countries they are not against Thai law or banned in Thailand. However, they did say that counterfeit goods are against the law and subject to legal action. They did not state specifically if they would be looking into this individual shop where the photos were taken.

What do you think?

Adam Judd
Mr. Adam Judd is the Chief of Content, English language, of TPN Media since December 2017. He is originally from Washington D.C., America, but has also lived in Dallas, Sarasota, and Portsmouth. His background is in retail sales, HR, and operations management, and has written about news and Thailand for many years. He has lived in Pattaya for over a decade as a full-time resident, is well known locally and been visiting the country as a regular visitor for over 15 years. His full contact information, including office contact information, can be found on our Contact Us page below. Stories please e-mail About Us: Contact Us: