64 year old Christean Python, a Swiss National, was captured just outside of Bangkok this week after an intensive police and army investigation with assistance from international law enforcement from the United States. The United States identified him as one of the ten most wanted and largest collectors of Child Porn on the planet.
Mr. Python was arrested in his home where he lives with his Thai wife. He has been living in Thailand for over twenty years according to immigration legally.
Upon his arrest authorities searched his home and found 248 videos featuring children, many under the age of five years old. They also discovered thousands of photos.
Mr. Python admitted to enjoying child pornography and stated that 11 years ago he lost the ability to walk more then a few feet and became home-bound due to an unidentified accident. Mr. Python stated he started becoming addicted to child porn during that time period and it helped him get his mind off of being bound to his house. He also stated that he did not produce or film the porn or ever harm a child in person attempting to defend himself.
He has been charged with possession of child pornography and faces 5 years in Thai jail and/or a 100,000 baht fine under Thai law. However, additional charges in conjunction with United States authorities and Thai enforcement are likely to come.
Due to his medical condition he has been placed under house arrest with law enforcement monitoring him.